Monday, 30 July 2012

Day 203 - Growing for 28 weeks and 6 days

Yet again I took a picture of my hair a while ago and never got round to writing a blog post! So here's another late picture - I took this one on the 2nd of July, so just under a month ago. It was the best of a bunch of photos simply because it turned out the least blurry - however I have a big kink in my hair that looks a bit weird but it should still give you an idea of the length of it. I think I had just taken my hair out of a side plait. I have been doing a lot of side plaits recently, like plaiting my hair over my shoulder. This is something I don't think I was able to do effectively back in January, because my hair was too short. I'd love to have a plait over my shoulder when my hair is really long, it's a style I really like.

My hair is longer now than in the photo but not hugely so. Well it's hard to tell. It's still looking healthy though! I've been using Lush's hair moisturiser R&B almost every day, it helps to calm my hair. I still use it to moisturise the end of my plait at night too! I've recently been using a different conditioner from Lush - American Cream, which smells absolutely lovely, however I have to use quite a lot of it to moisturise my hair - it doesn't feel as smooth as some other conditioners when I'm putting it on. It seems to work well enough but I think in general a richer conditioner suits my hair better. I do love the smell though!

I've taken to straightening my fringe quite a lot. I should probably try to do it less, even though I cut my fringe occasionally! I tend to end up straightening other bits of hair around the side of my fringe, which is not good because those bits will grow out!

I haven't as yet had anybody say to  me 'Your hair is getting long!' or similar comments, but then, I had hair longer than this in the past it's not something they'd really notice! I'll keep you updated on when it gets long enough to fetch any comments! I haven't told anyone about my project, by the way! Not because I'm deliberately keeping it a secret, but because it just hasn't come up in conversation, and I haven't had a reason to tell anybody! It's just a little project of my own.