Thursday, 16 February 2012

Day 38 - Growing for 5 weeks and 2 days

I just looked in the mirror and thought ''my hair is looking really long today'', so I decided to update my blog. My most recent hair product I have acquired is some 'Retread' conditioner from Lush. It's supposed to be their strongest one so I thought I'd give it a try, as I love all things Lush. I've found I have to use a large amount in one go, to make it smooth all over my hair, but it has had a great effect I think - my hair seems very smooth and less tangly, and perhaps even a bit thicker! Also I was examining my ends yesterday and I seem to have less split ends, so perhaps using all this conditioner is smoothing them down. At any rate, my hair doesn't look like it desperately needs a trim. So that's good, because I have no intention of trimming it!

In my last post, I mentioned that I plan to do some kind of hair treatment. On browsing the Lush website, I have noticed that they sell some hair treatments that seem to have good reviews, so I may get hold of one of those to try first, rather than making my own. It may be a rather more expensive option though! But I'll see how it works. When I can next get to a Lush, that is.

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